I come from a boxing background and I like to stay loose, so I will stretch 15-20 minutes before I train quads. I think gorging the muscle with blood is one of the biggest precursors to muscle growth, and the more you stretch the muscle fiber, the more blood it can hold. I start with my quads first, then my hams. Hamstrings are incorporated into a lot of quad movements; if you've ever pulled your hamstring, you know you can't train your quads at all.
Strict, heavy squats are the way to add quad size. Bit you get to a certain point where you have the right amount of size on your quads and you're just going for more sweep and muscle density. Full range of motion hack squats really hit the outer sweep of the quad.
I always like to make sure I never go so heavy that I can't do at least eight reps, and I try to never do more than 15, unless I'm doing it on purpose.
Since the legs are a very large, dense muscle group, I think it takes many sets to properly work them. i typically do 6-10 sets per exercise, using the first three sets as a semi warm up. I also like to test myself and see how strong I really am and how much I can take. I've learned that doing 6-7 sets really burns my muscles out. I still experience muscle soreness, and I honestly believe it's from doing the extra sets. Pre-contest, I might do as many as 10 sets of each exercise per body part.
I training quickly and intensely, allowing myself only 7-20 seconds between sets. I feel the leg shouldn't be recovered before the next set; they'll have plenty of time to recover when I get out of the gym. Between sets, I shake the muscle out a bit, just to get the blood in there. I'd never advise this pace for beginners or for those who want to gain muscle mass. In the end, you need to be very instinctive about your rest intervals, just like other training variables. Find what works for you.
I don't lock out at the top of squats and leg presses. This takes the muscular strain off the muscle and puts too much pressure on the knees themselves, making the joint vulnerable to injury.
For quad separation, the most important thing is using a full range of motion and really squeezing the muscles. Don't just fly through the exercise; do it at a slower pace and try to hold the weight for as long as possible. I really believe that pulls out the striations and separation.
My quad workout is very basic, but basic works. The exercises I do are pretty much the same for each workout. My legs fee like rubber at the end, tending to cramp up if I sit down or get in the car, so I move around for about 15 minutes afterward.
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Are you, just like I was, misled by the eye-catching headlines about diets that says – Lose X pounds in little or no time? Of course you are, but why? Does it make any sense to believe that you could lose 10 pounds of fat in a week when you know that it can't be done, at least not in a healthy way? In this article I will show you that there actually are ways to lose weight fast but that it is not healthy for you. We could make a deal, well, it is you that have to make a deal with yourself. I will show you a method that guarantees a weight loss of at least 5 pounds per week in the healthiest way (not meaning that it is healthy but better than lots of other diets) and you will also learn why a superfast weight loss is dangerous to your health and the do's and don'ts in fast weight loss.
First, as promised, the fast weight loss diet: This diet is composed to speed up your metabolism and it must be followed exactly. You may not use any spices except salt and peppers. It is important to remember to drink a lot of water, preferably water that is isotonic, meaning that it has added minerals that make it chemically look like you body fluids. To give this diet a boost be sure to do some cardio exercising to speed up the fat burning process.
Here is the menu:
Day 1: Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, 1 toast (no butter), 2 teaspoons of peanut-butter Lunch: 5 fl oz of tuna-fish, 1 toast. Dinner: 3 oz beef (lean), 10 fl oz green beans, 10 fl oz beetroot, 1 small apple, 10 fl oz vanilla ice-cream
Day 2: Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast, ½ banana Lunch: 10 fl oz cottage cheese, 5 salty crackers Dinner: 2 hot dogs, 10 fl oz broccoli, 5 fl oz carrots, 5 fl oz banana, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream
Day 3: Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast Lunch: 5 slices of cheddar-cheese, 5 salty crackers, 1 small apple Dinner: 10 fl oz tuna-fish(conserved in water), 10 fl oz beetroot, 10 fl oz cauliflower, 5 fl oz honey melon, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream.
Like mentioned before it is very important to follow this diet like it is written above, if it is altered in any way it may not work for you.
Now you will learn why this diet is not healthy. First of all it makes you lose weight faster than the body can burn fat. Even if you drink a lot, the weight loss will consist of 20% fat, 40% water and 40% lean muscle. So let's say that you lost 5 pounds, according to the percentage above you lost 1 pound of fat, 2 pounds of water weight and 2 pounds of lean muscle. Did you want to lose that much muscle? Probably not. All of the diets making you lose more than 1-2 pounds per week will burn your muscle mass for energy. Now, why is that? The body saves the fat stored in your body for a rainy day (starvation period) and if you are on a diet and don't exercise and use your muscle to the fullest extent your body figures that the muscle is not necessary to save and it will start using it for energy.
The diet above could be executed once a week but it will not give you a long-lasting weight loss. To lose weight for good you have to compose your menu to have the right amount of protein, the right kinds of fat and some great carbs. Those three nutrients cover our total calorie intake. To be a successful dieter(meaning that the fat is burnt and not the muscle) you should reduce your calorie intake by 10-20% and increase your calorie consumption, and how do you do that? Well, you have to start exercising and do some weight-lifting.
Now you know how to lose weight fast (I guarantee that the menu above works) so stop looking for any more fast weight loss diets. You also know why a fast weight loss is only a temporary weight loss and most important, you know that there are no shortcuts to get rid of those extra pounds. It is really a really easy equation: (Calorie intake) – (Calorie burnt) = weight loss/gain. Simple? Yes! But it is not that easy to achieve because it requires some fundamental change of attitude to foods, exercise and body.
If you decides to go on the diet explained, do so as a life-saver for now, but stop procrastinating and start to lose weight the right way after this panic-fast weight loss.
This article is merely an introduction, but if you are still reading you have taken the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.