Saturday, 25 February 2012

4 Myths on Women and Weight Training

By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT
Guys...your wife is watching your biceps getting bigger! Is she jealous? Does she want to start “bodybuilding” but is afraid of getting TOO big? She’s secretly want’s that finely chiseled body, too!
Here’s how she can build muscle for a lean, sexy physique without the fear of embarrassing you with bigger arms as you walk down the beach...
There are a lot of myths around women and bodybuilding and they just don’t seem to die. I’d like to share with you an article that sheds light on women and weight training that will pave the path for your wife or girlfriend to adopt the bodybuilding lifestyle with you.
That’s right. We’re going to bust the women and weight training myths right NOW!
Who better to do that than a woman who weight trains and understands your wife’s fears regarding women and weights? 

Women and Weight Training Myth #1 – Weight training will make woman huge and manly.
BUSTED - Like most people, when you think of women and weight training you automatically relate that image to the professional female bodybuilder strutting her oiled-up mammoth physique across stage and striking a pose.
What’s NOT mentioned is that 99.9% of the professional female bodybuilders supplement with steroids to develop superhuman muscles.
By the law of nature, women do not produce near the amount of muscle building hormone, testosterone, necessary to build huge swollen, vein-popping muscles. A woman is just not capable of building that type of massive muscle simply by lifting weights.
Bottom line: Weight training will NOT make a woman big and overly muscular. 

Women and Weight Training Myth #2 – Women who weight train will lose their breast size.
BUSTED – (pardon the pun) Breast tissue is made up of primarily fat tissue. A loss of body fat will results in smaller breast size.
Weight training develops muscle tissue. Adding strength training will develop the underlying chest muscle on a woman and can add more shape to her upper body, creating those eye-pleasing and sexy curves. In addition, a good chest training program will add stunning high cleavage for that perfect fit in a dress or bikini.
To put it bluntly, the only way for a woman to lose her breast size is if she loses a lot of body fat.

Women and Weight Training Myth #3 – A woman’s muscle will turn into fat if she stops weight training.
BUSTED – There is an astronomical amount of women who won’t weight train for fear their muscle will somehow magically turn into fat if they stop weight training.
Again, muscle and fat are two completely different tissues responsible for their own functions. Muscle is metabolically active (calorie burning) and fat is metabolically inactive (fat storing).
Muscle CANNOT Ever, In Any Case, turn into fat any more than fat can turn into muscle. One can only build or lose muscle OR gain or lose fat. The two separate tissues are not interchangeable. 

Women and Weight Training Myth #4 – Muscle weighs more than fat.
BUSTED – It’s no wonder women believe this ridicules statement. Dr. Phil has been known to say it in his highly publicized weight-loss book.
It’s a fact that a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same, a pound. What most women don’t realize is that a pound of muscle is denser and takes up less space than a pound of fat.
Therefore, having more developed muscle on the female frame with less body fat will make her leaner, tighter, and give off that “toned” look they are after.
Bottom line: Adding natural muscle mass through weight training accentuates a lady’s femininity. 

Endless Benefits for Women Who Weight Train:
Has training partner by default
Improves stamina
Improves sex life
Lifts and shapes the booty
Relieves depression
Builds a shapely physique
Improves posture
Controls weight
Builds positive self-image
Creates a positive attitude
Builds character
Boosts immune system
Clears the mind
Creates more energy
Benefits other sports
Raises resting metabolic rate
Slows the aging process
Decreases chance of injury
Builds a stronger heart
Creates anti-aging effect
Improves digestion
Relieves chronic pain
Builds stronger bones
Improves circulation
Improves flexibility
Lowers LDL (bad)
Increases HDL (good)
Lowers hypertension
Lowers risk for cancers
Lowers risk of heart disease
Lowers the risk of diabetes
Makes you a happy partner

A woman with a well-shaped body through weight training will feel better about herself. In addition, she’ll better understand the process you go through to develop your physique, and have a better appreciation for weight training.

There’s a special bond with a couple that trains together.

Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT

P.S. If your lady want's to develop a stunning and feminine body, Iron Dolls - Women's Bodybuilding Secrets is the ultimate guide for such goals.

About the Author
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a multi-certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.

Karen has written six eBooks on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.
Karen has helped hundreds of clients reach their goal of transforming their body. Her success and success stories speak for themselves.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

A Kettlebells Training Course Should Have Specific Components

Kettlebells training workouts have become very popular with men and women alike. Celebrities are even becoming involved in the new workout program. This popularity is seen because of the results offered by a kettlebells training program. Using kettlebells provides an overall workout including both cardiovascular and strength training. Most other traditional workouts require two different types of workout programs for working the heart and muscles.

The workouts performed with kettlebells require a bit more knowledge and practice in mastering the lift techniques. This means that a person using kettlebells must be properly trained in the execution of kettlebells lifts. This requires a well trained instructor of kettlebells.

Many kettlebells training courses have developed because of the popularity kettlebells is receiving. However, not all courses are the same nor do they all produce effective kettlebells trainers. A kettlebells training course should have specific components in the course to ensure the trainers leave with the proper knowledge and skills necessary. This knowledge is necessary to help people use kettlebells effectively.

A training course for kettlebells should have both class and physical instruction. Class time should be dedicated to learning about the major muscle groups used in kettlebells workouts as well as how the heart will be affected. This is important so the trainer can give this information to potential kettlebells clients to ensure their workout goals are reached. Class time should also be dedicated to learning different workout lifts and how to put them together to form effective kettlebells circuits.

Physical instruction time is a necessary component of kettlebells training. This time is used to practice the lifts independently because this provides the opportunity for the instructor to know how the lifts feel. An instructor who knows how one should feel during a lift can effectively communicate this to a client.

Another important part during the physical instruction portion of the kettlebells training course is correction time. Trainers need to practice identifying when a person is performing a kettlebell lift correctly and incorrectly. The trainer must then practice telling the client how to correct the technique in order to get the best workout.

The final portion of a kettlebells training course that must be present is a time to demonstrate competency. This may be done on a written exam, a physical demonstration, or a combination of both. Regardless of how the competency is demonstrated, it is important that each trainer fully demonstrate one’s knowledge of kettlebells training rather than receiving a certificate of completion.

About Author:

Adrian Burton is the director in R.K.P.S. It is a leading provider of certified kettlebell instructors in the UK delivering quality kettlebell instructor courses to personal trainers, fitness instructor and kettlebell training enthusiasts.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Can Delicious Snacks Actually Be Good For You?

Remember sneaking into the kitchen when you were young to steal a snack when mom was not looking? Well, those days might be over if ex-bodybuilding champion Carolyn Hansen gets her way. She has come up with a set of 100 snack recipes that will have mothers everywhere positively encouraging their children to dig in.

The reason? The ingredients. No sugar, flour, or butter to be found in these recipes - just raw healthy foods that Hansen likes to call living. No cooking either, which makes preparation a snap. All a mom need be proficient with in the kitchen to keep her kids satisfied is a blender. That's the conclusion Carolyn Hansen reaches in her book 100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats.

At first glance you might be tempted to think that snacks prepared without sugar and butter might taste like the experimental designs that mom came up with in your youth when she ran low on those items and could not get to the store. If you share the same memories of those bold snack alternatives that I do you might be quick to dismiss the idea of a tasty snack that forgoes the ingredients that we know contribute to chronic disease in later life. Too much sugar and butter in the diet are prime causes of obesity, diabetes, and coronary disease.

Carolyn Hansen knew this when she went into her kitchen years ago to find alternatives to the snacks she found so difficult to remove from her diet. As a competing bodybuilder she was determined to find a way to keep herself from ruining her progress in the gym by binging on unhealthy snacks when her willpower wore down.

At first the going was difficult. It turns out that there are a lot of things to take into account when you begin throwing out the staple ingredients of recipes thousands of years old. There were a lot of missteps along the way. But Carolyn persevered, and in the end she came up with snacks that she could share with her bodybuilder friends. Snacks that you can share with your family and friends and know that you are contributing to the maintenance of their health, not only today but for years to come.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for snacks and treats that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen's book 100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats, where she shows you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains

The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains
By Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT
Gaining muscle mass starts with being prepared! There is no substitute for a lack of planning. It's no secret that a nice, firm, shapely, and muscular body is a result of hard work, desire, dedication, passion, determination, and commitment. If you want the best physique you can have, then you must have your nutrition, training, supplements, and rest in order. This stack is a recipe for success!
Wait a minute. You say you are already doing the above, yet you see little if any changes? The reason for this is because you are either doing too much, or not enough to provide desired results. 

Nutrition - The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains
Lets talk about nutrition. If you want to put on muscle, then you cannot be afraid to eat. I find far too many trying to pack on size by low-carbing and under eating. Now I'm not suggesting you shovel food down, but you do need to eat enough to provide energy for training and muscle recovery. If you fail to eat sufficient calories, your muscles will pay the price.

Training - The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains
Training is another important aspect if you want to gain muscle size. The problem that many have with training is that they are making it a workout marathon. There is no need in making resistance training an all-out cardio session. Your only objective when you are in the weight room is to stimulate the muscle, and that can be done fairly quickly if your intensity is where it should be. Training should not exceed an hour.

Rest - The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains
Rest is often an overlooked factor when it comes to adding muscle. Many eat well, train with all-out intensity, and yet fail to rest properly. Your muscles grow when you are at rest. A minimum of eight hours of sleep is required for optimal growth, and additional power-naps are a plus. If you fail to listen to your body, it will fail to provide you with results.

Supplementing - The Stack to Produce Muscle Gains
Supplementing is the final area that many fail to capitalize on. However, don't get stuck into thinking that supplements are magic pills and potions. A balance of proper diet, training, rest, with additional supplements is needed for proper growth. Supplements can give you that extra edge you need to build muscle. Some of the top supplements for growth are Protein, Creatine, and Glutamine.

Karen Sessions NSCA-CPT
P.S. For more ADVANCED information on muscle gains and supplements, check out Iron Dolls - Female Bodybuilding Secrets! The absolute best female bodybuilding information on the Net!

About the Author

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a multi-certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.

Karen has written six eBooks on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.
Karen has helped hundreds of clients reach their goal of transforming their body. Her success and success stories speak for themselves.