Friday, 30 August 2013

Girls Sexy Big Booty Butt Lifting Home Workout!!!


 Heres a simple butt building workout you can do at home for a big booty. Start by doing a couple sets of jumping squats for as many reps as you can. Then grab a barbell and do 3-4 sets of 12-20 reps of squats. Then finish with leg lifts going straight back and out, repeat these leg lifts 2x. This is a workout you can do 3-4x per week.
Model Nefreteri Tomalo

Friday, 23 August 2013

Watch Your Back! 13 Tips For A Healthy Back

The three weakest links in the body are the neck, knees and back. If any of these three parts are out of commission, you know it. Your whole day is affected. With winter on its way and snow shoveling just around the corner, you must be extra careful with your back.

 Just about everything you do affects your back. Most people will have back pain at some point in their life. Back pain can be caused by being overweight, performing repetitive movements, sitting, standing, stress and improper lifting procedures. The back is very complicated and taking care of it now can go a long way toward preventing many forms of back problems in the future.

Here are some tips for keeping your back healthy and strong:


1.    Practice good posture. Slouching puts undue stress on your back.

2.    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts stress on the back.

3.    Eat well. We need calcium and vitamin D among other nutrients to keep bones in good shape.

4.    Quit smoking. Studies suggest that smokers are more likely to experience disc problems.

5.    Strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. By keeping your abdominal muscles strong and maintaining good posture, you will be creating a natural "girdle" around your body to give your back good support.

6.    Keep the spine flexible with yoga and gentle exercises. It's been said that a flexible spine is the secret to a youthful body.

7.    Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and strong. Many back injuries happen when people who are not active play a vigorous game of football or softball on the weekend. Condition your body with regular exercises so you can play sports without pain.

8.    Reduce stress. Tense people often have tense backs. Get enough sleep, exercise, be positive and practice deep breathing regularly.

9.    Be comfortable. Avoid restrictive clothing and high heeled shoes which can put stress on your back.

10.    If you stand for long periods of time, raise one foot on a box to lessen the strain on your back. Check your posture and try to maintain the natural curve in your spine.  Take frequent breaks if possible.

11.    If you must sit for long periods of time, get up every 30 minutes, walk around and do a few stretches.

12.    If you work at a computer, adjust your chair so your elbows to wrists are parallel to the floor and the screen is at eye level.

13.    Use your legs when lifting. Bend at the knees and straighten your legs as you lift the object. This puts less strain on your back.

We often don't appreciate a healthy back until we're laid up with a bad one. Take a proactive approach to a strong, healthy and pain-free back.

 About the Author 

 For more information about health, yoga, fitness and weight loss the natural way, visit
Chrissy MacDonald is a Registered Yoga Teacher and author of E-Booklets including Simply Fit - A Six Week Plan for Healthy Living and Permanent Weight Control available at

Friday, 16 August 2013

HOT! Girls Butt Isolation Workout!


Here's some fun exercises you can do at the end of your butt and leg workout to really isolate your butt checks. Strap on some ankle weight, 5-15lbs to start, and do 15-20 reps of these booty exercises.
Also see BikiniModelFitness .com

Bikini Model Chelsey Novak
&& instagram: @chelseynovak

Friday, 9 August 2013

Ultimate Fat-Burning AB Workout!!


 Heres an Intense Ab Workout with Bikini Model Vicky Justiz. This workout will strengthen your core, burn fat, and help you get a lean sexy stomach. You'll look sexy in your bikini if you do this everyday. You can repeat this workout 2-4x a day. Combined with some of our butt workouts you'll have an amazing bikini body in no time. See if you can keep up with Vicky!
Like Viktoriya Justiz:
Bikini Bottoms for this Workout Video Provided by

Friday, 2 August 2013

Benefits of Healthy Cells on Human Body


The human body is made up of millions of cells. Everyday there are new cells being formed and many of them die. So, the health of the cells directly affects the health of a human being. A cell health institute has got researchers who constantly conduct studies and find ways of improving cell health. Cells group together to form tissues and tissues group further and become organs. So, each and every body part is made up of cells.

Essential nutrients are required for improving the health of cells. So, all depends on the kind of food that is taken. Cells assimilate the energy from the nutrients which are found in foods. A healthy environment needs to be created for sustaining the development and functioning of human cells.

There are many benefits of having healthy cells in the human body.
1. The resistance power and immune system becomes strong enough to fight diseases. A healthy cell will help in keeping the disease causing viruses at bay. In today's world people are always prone to diseases so the body needs to have a proper defense mechanism in place.
2. As mentioned the body organs are made up of millions of cells. Each organ whether it is the heart, kidney or liver all of them has got separate functions. If the body cells are healthy then eventually the organs will function properly. Researchers at a cell health institute come up with findings on improving the efficiency of body cells. Due to such research initiatives, medicinal drugs are available to enhance the performance of cells.
3. Healthy cells make the person more enthusiastic and lively throughout the day. So, one can perform his/her daily chores with ease. This way one will not feel dull and will be active while performing tasks either at home or at the work area.
4. Stem cells are used in treatment for skin burns. Usually the skin loses color and shape as the cells and tissues in that particular area get burnt. The patient who has a burn injury has to suffer a lot of pain and it can have psychological effects on a person. Burn marks are hard to go and they heal with time so a person might feel ashamed to move out in public. So, as a help to them treatments are available for curing the burn injuries. Stem cells can be inserted into the body which will start building new and healthier tissues. So, these cells can also cure injuries and wounds.
Hence there are many health benefits to the body if you have got healthy cells. A cell health institute has got experienced medical researchers who are continuously studying and manufacturing medicines aimed at creating an ideal environment for the cells to grow.

CellHealth  Institute
For more information about CellHealth Institute visit