Friday, 31 January 2014

Alternative Weight Loss Through Emotional Therapy

Have you tried all other weight loss technique but still no improvement? You are not the one, more than thousands in the world experience failure of pills, diet and exercise in losing weight. However, there are other alternative remedies that can help to lose weight.

Have you ever heard Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or EFT Tapping?
EFT has been used for a number of years for solving different psychological and physical problems. The issues that can be solved by EFT include weight loss, fears, addictions and few. Its working principle is the connection with mind and body. From EFT tapping, weight loss can be successfully achieved through meditation and it is similar to acupuncture without needles. The main advantage of EFT is that, you can do it for yourself whenever you want.
Reasons for extra pounds:
Overeating is the main reason for fat and obesity. Even the psychologist's admit that overeating is a conclusion of anger, anxiety, depression and other emotional stresses. It can sometimes be a mental disorder.
Fat Releasing Therapies:
EFT is one of the very best fat removing therapy, because it controls our mind and body. It is the way of communicating with the body in silent meditation and analyzing why fats remain unreleased. Meditation is the first and best step in healing it.
The therapy uses self verbal communication; the following sentences should be repeated during meditation:
  1. I thank my body for its wondrousness.
  2. I love my body for its wonderfulness.
  3. I love myself for having such a wonderful body.
  4. I thank myself for having such a wonderful body.
  5. I accept myself even if I am overweight.
  6. I love myself even if I am overweight.
  7. I thank my fats for tried its best to help my body.
  8. I thank my fats, but it will be more useful if not in solid form.
Meditating on these sentences will help to improve energy flow in the body. Yeah, this is the exact moment to apply thoughts on specific meridian points. While reciting these sentences, tap the head, eyebrow points, below the noise point, the sides of the eyes, chin, and collar bone and under arms.
EFT can be done routinely for achieving better results. However, it alone will not help you to lose weight fast. It just prepares the body and mind to participate with other weight loss programs. Continue your weight loss program with proper diet and exercise.
Find more emotional freedom techniques (EFT Tapping) and tapping the body to cut back your fat.We are providing an alternative approach of weight losing program to keep off from obesity.
Find more emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and tapping the body to cut back your fat.We are providing an alternative approach of weight losing program to keep off from obesity.

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