Friday, 28 March 2014

Simple Quick Girls Bikini Ab Workout

BikiniModelFitness BikiniModelFitness

Heres a quick abdominal workout Vicky is doing at the beach. This workout is great to strengthen your core and ab muscles. You can do it everyday and even repeat it 2-3x per day for best results.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Lose Weight With Diet Solution

It is very necessary to plan out a workout schedule to reduce weight. With proper exercise routine, you will also have to consider upon the importance of natural diet solution to maintain your energy levels. Fresh fruits are the essential part of a natural diet especially if you are trying to lose weight. Most of the fruits are rich in fiber and hence work to improve the metabolic activities of your body. They also provide all the essential vitamins and minerals to help you attain an attractive body. Papaya is one of the significant fruit that is not only known for its fat burning effects, but it is also a tasty fruit that can be taken as a diet supplement.

One can opt to eat papaya with other fruits or vegetables. Papaya is a major source of Vitamin C and A. In addition, papaya also offers s a good quantity of potassium. Papaya is used as an herbal medicine in south-eastern countries such as India. Apart from helping you to maintain a natural diet to succeed in your weight loss attempt, papaya can be used to alleviate skin sores, fungal infections and stomach ache. The roots of papaya are commonly used as an analgesic.
Since papaya is a fiber-rich fruit, it can be taken as a complete diet. Fiber rich fruits and vegetables are very important ingredients of a natural diet solution to promote tour weight loss campaign. Fiber rich fruits are used to fill your stomach with such food which not only is low-fat but it also facilitates easy metabolism and hence helps in reducing weight in a significant manner. Since a papaya will make you feel that your stomach is full, you won't be required to eat the same fat rich junk food. By taking natural diet, you start refusing to eat fat rich food products and this helps you to achieve tour weight loss goals.
Papaya is a rich resource for Vitamin C and A. This makes papaya a natural medicine for your gum problems. Because of low fat and fat burning capacity, papaya is also a recommended fruit for all diabetic patients and specially those who are also suffering from overweight problems. Apart from papaya, there are many more fruits and vegetables that have a strong fat burning effect and such kind of food can help you in reducing weight. If you are looking forward to learn more about natural diets and fitness maintenance, please visit the website

Friday, 14 March 2014

Hot Body Yoga Work Out

YoBoHoFitness YoBoHoFitness

-Sun Salutation B is great to warm up and is known to build more heat than Salutation A. You should start with a couple of A then go on to B. 
-Start with standing postures including Lord of the Dance pose and extended hand to toe pose. The leg work in a high lunge will build heat as it works the thigh muscle quite hard. 
-Tittibhasana (Firefly pose) heats up arm muscles and stretches groins and tones belly.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Fitness Kickboxing -- The Weight Loss And Self Defense Benefits

Fitness kickboxing training has become a very popular fitness activity among those that have a desire to enhance their self-defense skills and eliminate unwanted pounds from the body. Fitness kickboxing is appropriate for those that desire to engage in a high-energy workout that utilizes a wide assortment of movements such as kicking, punching, and utilizing various types of physical fitness equipment.Examples of the most common equipment used in this type of training includes, but is not limited to, wraps for the hands, various types of jump ropes, punching mitts and bags of various sizes and weights.

When engaging in kickboxing, you will learn how to use exercise equipment to your advantage, you'll become more familiar with the various punching techniques and learn a wide array of techniques involving kicks. While learning the basic concepts of the sport, you will find that your self-defense skills are also enhanced and that you experience weight loss.
Optimizing Your Self-Defense Skills
If you have an interest in optimizing your self-defense skills, you will quickly discover that fitness kickboxing will assist you. By studying kickboxing and participating in the exercises that are presented to you, you will gain knowledge in how to properly situate yourself so that you are on guard on a consistent basis and are able to quickly and effectively react in a defensive manner should an offensive act be performed against you.
The sport builds your confidence and poise. In turn, it teaches you how to maintain your balance and properly protect yourself in situations that may otherwise result in serious bodily harm.
Fitness kickboxing will help you in reacting to an attack and how to effectively anticipate an opposing person's moves so that you may guard yourself against the harm that could be inflicted as a result of those moves. Additionally, the sport will educate you on how to throw punches and produce kicks from an offensive point of attack. You will learn how to read the movements of those that you come in contact with and how to produce moves that will assist in disabling those that intend to do you harm. If you have an interest in knowing how to properly defend yourself in potentially threatening situations, fitness kickboxing will help as the exercises will train you on all levels of self-defense.
Eliminating Unwanted Pounds
While fitness kickboxing is a wonderful means of enhancing your self-defense skills, it is also a productive means of dropping unwanted pounds that may adversely affect your appearance, self-confidence and health. As stated previously, this is a sport that is considered to be high-energy. In studies, it has been estimated that one hour of a high-intensity fitness kickboxing workouts have the potential to burn anywhere from 500 to 900 calories.
In addition to this, the workout targets certain areas of the body that are known to have high levels of fat deposits. These areas include the arms, the abdominal region, the thighs and, of course, the buttocks. Due to this targeting, higher levels of fat are eliminated from these regions of the body and are replaced by the accumulation of muscle mass.
According to those in the medical community, muscle assists in burning calories and fat. When engaging in high-energy fitness kickboxing, it is inevitable that you will lose weight. The amount that you lose will be determined by certain factors. Examples of these factors include, but are not limited to, the amount of workouts that you perform each week, the length of time that you engage in the workouts and the type of physical fitness equipment that you utilize while kickboxing.
Fitness kickboxing is becoming an increasingly popular fitness sport among individuals that have a desire to optimize their physical fitness level, their appearance and their health. While aerobics, weightlifting and other types of standard exercises are still popular among many individuals, most enthusiasts are searching for a means of bringing excitement into their workouts.
By participating in kickboxing, you have the ability to enhance your self-defense skills, burn calories, build muscle mass and drop unwanted pounds. As a result, you will find that your appearance is enhanced; your self-confidence increases and you experience fewer medical complications.
While looking and feeling great are wonderful advantages of fitness kickboxing, the fact that you can actually have fun while improving your self-defense skills and losing weight is also considered to be a major advantage of choosing this type of high-energy physical activity.
Javier Lozano Jr is the owner and head fitness instructor at Summit Fit Dojo, a personal training studio in Westminster, CO.  He has been in...