Friday, 25 October 2013

Exercise At Home Without Weights

Home exercise is the new phenomenon in fitness, and the explosive growth of home exercise equipment is ample proof. It's easy to see why many individuals would be interested in home exercise routines. You can get great results exercising at home, as long as you know what you are doing.

All it takes to get results at home is an exercise mat, some free weights (dumbbells) and exercise tubings. Even if you don't have all these tools, there are several exercises you can do around the house. You can always try exercises that use your own body weight. The secret to success is to exercise the right way without hurting yourself.

At home, you can train at your own time. You are unaffected by the timings of your gym or your trainer. This is an excellent solution for stay-at-home moms, individuals who work from home, and individuals with an erratic work schedule. It's nice not to have to pay for a gym membership. I love exercising at home, because that's how I started. It's fun and I enjoy it even today. I have a treadmill that faces a large TV, some dumbbells and a never-say-die attitude. That's all it takes. With the number of tools available today, it is simple to set up a gym atmosphere in the comforts of your own home. I train most of my clients in their own home.

To get results at home, you need self-motivation and discipline, since you are going to be on your own. It's not as hard as you think and can be enjoyable and beneficial. When you are committed mentally to pursue a leaner, energized and dynamic fitness level, changes happen much faster. Register on my website to get a free, full colour, printable exercise routine for home exercise.

 There are some things that can derail home exercise.

 It's likely your hectic schedule or a long commute discourages you from exercise. Sometimes, an individual can get intimidated by the social atmosphere of a health club. After all, if a club is a place where people flirt more and exercise less, you might find yourself less inclined to go! It could also be crowded, and many people do not like waiting in line for the equipment. With home exercise, there is not waiting period. Despite the popularity of health clubs, many individuals are now exercising at home. In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported a study conducted by Stanford University. The study said exercising at home is just as beneficial as working out at a health club. Interestingly, the study also found people who trained at home were more likely to stick with their program than those who exercised at a club. 

Strength Training Exercises At Home For The Upper Body and Abdominals. 

For best results, warm up for 10-15 minutes with light aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, jogging). Deep breathing and stretching for 3-5 minutes before you begin strength training helps the muscles relax and rejuvenate.

The following exercises do not require any equipment, other than a pair of dumbbells.
This is a unique method that I have developed on my own, and it has helped thousands of clients get results. You can view my clients in action with videos of home exercises and download full color exercise routines by registering on my websites mentioned at the end of this article.

Seated Rows
Triceps Dips
Shoulder Raises
Overhead Shoulder Presses
Lateral Shoulder Raises
Biceps Curls
Regular Abdominal crunches
Reverse Abdominal crunches
Standing Trunk twists

 About the Author

 For more information and to register for free diet plans and grocery lists, visit , for exercises for women, visit and to train with Nitin, visit

Thursday, 17 October 2013

4 Yoga Postures To Get Rid Of Fatigue


 Daily life is hectic and can amount to stress and fatigue. These yoga postures and poses will help you get rid of fatigue and relax you. These postures also help in stretching which in turn reduce stress.

The 4 Yoga poses in this video are

Intense Side Stretch Pose
Reclining Hero Pose
Bow Pose
Child's Pose

The benefits of these poses are Calms the brain Stretches the spine, shoulders and wrists (in the full pose), hips, and hamstrings Strengthens the legs Stimulates the abdominal organs Improves posture and sense of balance Improves digestion Stretches the abdomen, thighs and deep hip flexors (psoas), knees, and ankles Strengthens the arches Relieves tired legs Improves digestion Helps relieves the symptoms of menstrual pain

Friday, 11 October 2013

Girl's Home Bikini Abdominal Workout!


 Want hard abs? A Flat Stomach? A Six-Pack?
Heres a great workout you can do at home to get tight lean abs. Try each exercise for as many reps as you can. Repeat 2-3x for a great workout.
Side Hip Raises
Knee to Elbow
Rotating Planks
Leg Raise to Hip Raise

Give it a try for those sexy bikini abs.
Female Fitness Model Andrea Guillot

Friday, 4 October 2013

3 Tips To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Lose Belly Fat Fast:

There are nearly a million people in this country that are obese, not to mention the ones that fall into the overweight category. Everyone is eating unhealthy, not getting enough exercise, being exposed to vast amounts of stress, and living high-paced lifestyles that corrupt their overall health. No wonder everyone is searching for answers to lose belly fat. If you are one of these people looking to break into a more positive routine in health and you need to lose belly fat, here are some tips that may help you to lose belly fat as fast and painlessly as possible:

Lose Belly Fat Tip #1

You are what you eat. Meaning if you eat fattening foods that are bad for you- you will be fat. Try to think of this way. Try to eat skinny foods that make you full. These are foods you can eat a lot of such as salads, fresh fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, and lean meats. Read labels on your foods, and understand what you put in your body. Try to stay within the food pyramid guidelines, and avoid foods with high content of sugar and fat grams.

Lose Belly Fat Tip #2

Drink plenty of water. You must already know that hydration is of the utmost importance to good health, however water serves many functions for the body such as flushing out toxins, assuring the functions of all vitals such as heart, kidneys, liver, and the stomach. If you drink enough water and fluids your body will function more efficiently. In addition, water has been known to decrease appetite- which can enable you to lose weight more effectively.

Lose Belly Fat Tip #3

Move around and stay active. No one says you have to stick to traditional exercise. You can choose to perform exercises that you enjoy. The more you enjoy a certain activity- the more you will be inclined to perform that activity. This can benefit you enormously in the arena of fat loss in your stomach. When you exercise, you burn fat, when you burn fat- your belly will get smaller and so will you.

These are only a few tips to help you to lose belly fat. There are many more that can speed up the process, and enable you to keep that fat off  in the long end. However, as with anything- you must realize that you have to make different choices all around and be conscious of the actions that led you to gain belly fat in the first place. Once you target the real cause, then you can get real results.

About the Author
Click Here To Visit The Official Low Fat Diet Plan Website Today!