Saturday, 28 July 2012

Can You Gain Muscle & Lose Fat At The Same Time?

The dilemma of burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time has always been a question that has debated. Some so called, health fitness “gurus” will say that the two goals can be done simultaneously together whilst some of the top trainers will say “hell no!”.

So, what is the correct answer? And who’s fooling you into wasting your time and money?

Well to answer that, let’s look at a little bit of science. Don’t worry it’s all easy to understand stuff:


Fat Burning Education

Look, your body needs energy to run, and it uses a certain number of calories to do so. When you consume fewer calories than what your body needs and uses, the body is forced to get those extra calories from somewhere. So, it gets it from your internal stores i.e. from your stored fat. This is why, if you eat less than what you use, you will burn more fat!

BUT, there is a negative, it also burns calories from your carbohydrate and protein stores, which leads to muscle breakdown! This is not so good!
In addition to that, the lower the carbohydrates levels in your blood, the more fat that is burnt. So that's why you get those low carbohydrate diets being thrown around everywhere! However this is not so great for muscle gain again, because the less carbohydrates in your blood, the more muscle loss!

So we've looked at diet, but what about exercise?

Well for fat loss, you are required to do a lot more cardio, which burns the more fat during exercise. In fact, by doing it on an empty stomach early in the morning, you will burn the most fat! Again unfortunately, this leads to muscle loss though!

However at least, both muscle gain and fat loss agree that by doing weight lifting, with heavy weights and aiming for 6-12 reps, you can achieve fat burning but also muscle gain too.


Super Muscle Growth Science...

Well unlike fat burning, to make sure you do not burn off any muscle, you want to make sure that you eat more calories than you use. This way your body doesn't have to go into its internal stores, which would burn muscle!

In addition to all that, you are looking for a diet which contains a higher level of carbohydrates, protein and fat compared to what you would have for fat loss..

- More carbohydrates means less muscle breakdown
- More protein, means more muscle growth
- More fat, leads to hormones being secreted which boost your muscle growth

But again this type of diet makes it hard to burn fat!

Finally, in terms of exercise, weight-lifting helps prepare your muscles, so they are ready for the incoming nutrients to be built back bigger. But you want to avoid cardio, as much as possible, because it leads to muscle loss!


So Here's The Question Again...Can You Gain Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time?

Well, science says there is a MASSIVE contradiction in the diet for someone who is trying to burn fat and gain muscle!
Looking at exercise, both agree on weightlifting…BUT where cardio is important to fat loss, it is important to avoid it for muscle gain!

So UNFORTUNATELY, achieving fat loss and muscle gain at the same time, is virtually impossible, UNLESS, you somehow have some of the best genetics in the world!

Those “Gurus” only tell you that it’s possible, because they know that’s what you want to hear, and it means you’re more likely to buy their product! I’m NOT here to please some fantasy you have, I’m here to help you get actual results!


So What Is The Solution?

Separate your goals-Use bulking and cutting phases.

The Bulking Phase is all about packing on muscle and nothing else. The cutting phase is all about fat burn! What you do is build you muscle up first, using the bulking phase, then use the cutting phase AFTER to burn that fat away and show off your shredded physique.

If you want a full step-by-step routine, you can get everything you want to know in "Pack Muscle, Destroy Fat", which come together in my full bodybuilding system.


Arun Chase (from is the well-renowned author of “Pack Muscle, Destroy Fat”, the ultimate muscle building and fat loss bible, which is written in simple and easy steps, so that anyone from any level can understand.

Arun’s system also includes an extensive nutritional program, a complete weight training regimen, a full motivational action plan, practical day to day tips and full email personal training support. This system has taken the fitness industry by storm and has helped thousands achieve the dream physique they never thought was possible.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Full-Body Warm-Up Exercise | Perfect Form With Ashley Borden

Published on Jul 11, 2012 by
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My full body warm-up is a great standalone exercise to start your day, but it can also be used as a thorough pre-workout routine. All it takes is a yoga mat, and you'll be feeling so good and connected to your body in no time!

Talk to Ashley and get her free guide to Rolling Out!

Whether you want take your fitness routine to the next level, target a specific trouble zone or offset the effects of sitting all day at a computer, celebrity fitness and pro-athlete trainer Ashley Borden's specialty is helping you unlock the potential in your body. She will help you identify how your body moves, offering routines to help you build your best body.

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Saturday, 14 July 2012

What Makes These Sugarless Snacks Taste Great?

I have to admit that when I heard about snack recipes which featured no sugar I was a little skeptical about how the end product would taste. After all, sugar makes the world go around, or so you might think after spending most of you life scarfing down an endless supply of snack types made with processed sugar. But there is an alternative to the use of sugar in snacks. At least, this is what Carolyn Hansen says in her book 100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats.

 Nature has come up with some nifty alternatives that are actually quite healthy for us, and which can be used to impart all the sweetness you might otherwise miss in the absence of a dose of sugar. Dates turn out to be a good way to naturally sweeten the recipes for snacks and treats that appear in Carolyn's book.

 Another alternative that most of us are familiar with is honey. Less known is agave nectar, which is also an excellent natural sweetener that appears in many of Carolyn's recipes, including those for tempting cheesecake delights that you can eat without the least pang of guilt. Yes, that recipe for a pink Strawberry Fields Forever cheesecake concoction is sure to become one of your favorites. All done without sugar. Even without flour or butter. After all, who needs high cholesterol butter in their diet when almond butter and coconut butter can be used instead?

 Go check out Carolyn's site now and tell me that those images of the Strawberry Fields Forever cheesecake and the Carob Fudge don't make your mouth water. The great thing about these recipes is that they are not just put together with ingredients that are good for you, but they are easy to make AND they do not require any cooking on your part. If you know how to use a blender, Carolyn says, you can easily follow her directions and churn out a plate full of yum yums in no time.

 If this whole idea sounds like a treat to you (hee hee) then here's where you can go to find out more about how to add 100 Healthy Raw Snacks And Treats to your diet. Trust me, if you like to eat, this is something that is worth your time - especially if you would not mind losing a few pounds by eating stuff that tastes like it was designed to put on the pounds, not take them off!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Crazy Cardio Challenge | A-List Look With Valerie Waters

Published on Jul 6, 2012 by
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Today, I have for you a Crazy Cardio Challenge! So get ready to sweat, because we're gonna burn tons of calories!

Have a question for me? I'll be checking in regularly, so leave a comment or video response below.

Valerie Waters is a celebrity trainer who uses circuit workouts that fry fat and tone muscle. In her episodes, Valerie will share her "circuits of the stars" to show how every woman can get Hollywood fit at home.

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