Friday, 29 November 2013

A Diet That Keeps Fat Away

Right now, there is an obesity crisis in Dubai. According to figures of World Health Organization, 39.9% of women in UAE are obese (Seventh highest figure in world); 25.6% of men are obese (9th highest proportion). Dubai is under the clutches of obesity epidemic. In fact, people of the GCC countries are facing this problem. Citizens of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar and Dubai are striving hard to implement weight loss measures.

Approximately, a third of all adults in the Gulf are overweight. To curb this overweight outbreak, Dubai is running a campaign called ‘Your Weight In Gold'. Ahmed Al Shaikh lost 26.3 kg in 45 days, and was the winner of this campaign. The motto behind this initiative is to make people more disciplined and fit. I have summarized some tips to keep a check on your weight. Incorporate this healthy diet in your routine and see the difference. May be one of you can become the winner next year, by using these tips for weight loss dubai.

Fiber-rich food
Fiber satisfies hunger and keeps you full for a longer period of time.

Almonds contain nutrients and vitamins. They are a rich source of energy as well. It contains high fiber which keeps a sense of hunger at bay. I will advise you to take a handful of almonds in your mid-evening snack. Its carbohydrate content is high, but still it does not contribute to belly fat.


Oats are low calorie food that should be taken as morning breakfast. It keeps you full throughout the day and provides natural energy. It is very efficient to lower your cholesterol.

Everyone is aware about the saying "One apple a day keeps the doctor away". But it also keeps your hunger away. An apple contains 5 to 6 grams of fiber, which is enough to keep you full for a long time. Moreover, it also comprises anti-oxidants.

Egg whites are very rich in protein. Eggs are a good choice for breakfast; it will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Fruit salad and sprouts
These are good options of breakfast.

Lunch choices   
Take boiled or roasted chicken, vegetable soup and salad in your lunch. Take yogurt in your lunch, as it helps in digestion.

Dinner choices
Dinner should be light. You can eat 3 boiled eggs white, vegetable soup, chicken or tuna salad.

Green tea
Green tea assists the body in flushing out excess fluids. It also speeds up metabolism, which is good for burning extra body fat.    
Some points to be remembered
Never skip your meal. Take it in a timely manner.
Take lemon juice and honey with lukewarm water in early morning. It flushes out harmful acids produced by the body.
Try to work out for at least 45 minutes a day.
Avoid consuming bakery products.
 Consume a good amount of raw vegetables and fruits.
I hope these weight loss tips will help the people of Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi, Qatar and Abu Dhabi.

About the Author

Dr Raj's clients range from Hollywood stars to renowned sportsmen. He provides treatment to patients from USA, Dubai, Qatar, Los Angeles, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE etc. Dr Raj in association with renowned weight loss expert Jack R offers rapid weight loss program. It is a six-month supervised weight loss program.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Friday, 15 November 2013

Sexy Ass Lift Workout!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Watch Your Back! 13 Tips For A Healthy Back

The three weakest links in the body are the neck, knees and back. If any of these three parts are out of commission, you know it. Your whole day is affected. With winter on its way and snow shoveling just around the corner, you must be extra careful with your back.

 Just about everything you do affects your back. Most people will have back pain at some point in their life. Back pain can be caused by being overweight, performing repetitive movements, sitting, standing, stress and improper lifting procedures. The back is very complicated and taking care of it now can go a long way toward preventing many forms of back problems in the future.

Here are some tips for keeping your back healthy and strong:


1.    Practice good posture. Slouching puts undue stress on your back.

2.    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts stress on the back.

3.    Eat well. We need calcium and vitamin D among other nutrients to keep bones in good shape.

4.    Quit smoking. Studies suggest that smokers are more likely to experience disc problems.

5.    Strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. By keeping your abdominal muscles strong and maintaining good posture, you will be creating a natural "girdle" around your body to give your back good support.

6.    Keep the spine flexible with yoga and gentle exercises. It's been said that a flexible spine is the secret to a youthful body. 

7.    Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and strong.
Many back injuries happen when people who are not active play a vigorous game of football or softball on the weekend. Condition your body with regular exercises so you can play sports without pain.

8.    Reduce stress. Tense people often have tense backs. Get enough sleep, exercise, be positive and practice deep breathing regularly.

9.    Be comfortable. Avoid restrictive clothing and high heeled shoes which can put stress on your back.

10.    If you stand for long periods of time, raise one foot on a box to lessen the strain on your back. Check your posture and try to maintain the natural curve in your spine.  Take frequent breaks if possible.

11.    If you must sit for long periods of time, get up every 30 minutes, walk around and do a few stretches.

12.    If you work at a computer, adjust your chair so your elbows to wrists are parallel to the floor and the screen is at eye level.

13.    Use your legs when lifting. Bend at the knees and straighten your legs as you lift the object. This puts less strain on your back.

We often don't appreciate a healthy back until we're laid up with a bad one. Take a proactive approach to a strong, healthy and pain-free back.

 About the Author

For more information about health, yoga, fitness and weight loss the natural way, visit
Chrissy MacDonald is a Registered Yoga Teacher and author of E-Booklets including Simply Fit - A Six Week Plan for Healthy Living and Permanent Weight Control available at

Friday, 1 November 2013

Total Body Toning Workout

Insane Home Fat Loss

 Hey y'all! In today's episode, I've brought in my friend LINDSAY as a special guest trainer! Lindsay is a personal trainer, and is also a professional fitness model. She's in killer shape and I've also seen her get great results for her clients. I think she can really help you get more results from your workouts as well...which is why I'm excited to bring her workouts to you on the insanehomefatloss channel.

Today, she's going to be showing you her TOTAL BODY TONING workout. This is a great workout that you can do at home with nothing but a pair of light dumbbells.

Here's the breakdown:

00:32 Curl to Shoulder Press 10 Reps Start with hands at your sides. Curl up while keeping your hands close to your side. Then rotate the dumbbells out keeping your arms parallel to the ground and the dumbbells at head height. Press up above your head.

02:01 Jump Squats 10 Reps Start with your feet at shoulder width apart. Squat, be sure to not bend until your hands reach the ground and in one explosive movement jump up.

02:40 Side Plank Hold for 30 seconds Move to the ground. Use one arm to hold up your body while keeping your core tight. Your toes should be the only other point of contact with the ground (advanced). For beginners you can rest your knees on the ground. Extend out your leg into the arm and hold for 30 seconds.

03:54 Mountain Climbers 30 seconds Start in a plank position with your palms on the ground. Alternate bringing up each knee to your chest in a running motion.

Repeat this 4 routine four times. Be sure to alternate side plank from right to left each cycle.

And if you want to learn Lindsay's key to staying lean, toned and sexy, watch this free video now:

In that video I show you why people who struggle to lose belly fat typically struggle with this 1 hormone that causes you to store belly fat. If you've tried EVERYTHING to lose your belly fat but it hasn't worked, this hormone could be the reason why!

I just posted a free video that shows you what this hormone is. And I give you some easy tricks that you can use to reduce this hormone in your body, so that way you can lose your belly fat faster and easier.

Watch the video now:

Do NOT go to the gym before you see this!

Train hard,


P.S. -- Use this link to share the video with your friends on Facebook!