Insane Home Fat Loss
Hey y'all! In today's episode, I've brought in my friend LINDSAY as a special guest trainer! Lindsay is a personal trainer, and is also a professional fitness model. She's in killer shape and I've also seen her get great results for her clients. I think she can really help you get more results from your workouts as well...which is why I'm excited to bring her workouts to you on the insanehomefatloss channel.
Today, she's going to be showing you her TOTAL BODY TONING workout. This is a great workout that you can do at home with nothing but a pair of light dumbbells.
Here's the breakdown:
00:32 Curl to Shoulder Press 10 Reps Start with hands at your sides. Curl up while keeping your hands close to your side. Then rotate the dumbbells out keeping your arms parallel to the ground and the dumbbells at head height. Press up above your head.
02:01 Jump Squats 10 Reps Start with your feet at shoulder width apart. Squat, be sure to not bend until your hands reach the ground and in one explosive movement jump up.
02:40 Side Plank Hold for 30 seconds Move to the ground. Use one arm to hold up your body while keeping your core tight. Your toes should be the only other point of contact with the ground (advanced). For beginners you can rest your knees on the ground. Extend out your leg into the arm and hold for 30 seconds.
03:54 Mountain Climbers 30 seconds Start in a plank position with your palms on the ground. Alternate bringing up each knee to your chest in a running motion.
Repeat this 4 routine four times. Be sure to alternate side plank from right to left each cycle.
And if you want to learn Lindsay's key to staying lean, toned and sexy, watch this free video now:
In that video I show you why people who struggle to lose belly fat
I just posted a free video that shows you what this hormone is. And I give you some easy tricks that you can use to reduce this hormone in your body, so that way you can lose your belly fat
Watch the video now:
Do NOT go to the gym before you see this!
Train hard,
P.S. -- Use this link to share the video with your friends on Facebook!
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